Marriage: Supporting A Spouse Through Struggles
Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant have a conversation about what it looks like to be a supportive spouse.
Marriage: Contempt and Compassion
Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant discuss what contemptuousness looks like in a marriage vs. what compassion looks like.
Marriage: My Spouse's Friendships
Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant have a conversation about how Godly friendships can bless a marriage.
Marriage: Listening Like Jesus
Chelsea Griffin and Cassie Bryant discuss what it looks like to be a good listener in marriage.
Marriage: My Best vs. Your Worst
Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant have a conversation about how strengths and weaknesses can effect a marriage.
Marriage: Seeing Things My Way
Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant discuss how seeing things differently from your spouse can actually be a gift in marriage.
Marriage: Essential Ground Rules
Adam Griffin and Chelsea Griffin discuss some of the ground rules they have for their own marriage and how it helps their marriage flourish.
Season 8 — Marriage
Season 8 of the Family Discipleship podcast begins on January 27th! In this episode, Adam Griffin previews what is to come in Season 8.