Marriage: Seeing Things My Way
Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant discuss how seeing things differently from your spouse can actually be a gift in marriage.
Questions Covered in This Episode:
Why would a podcast that’s all about Family Discipleship spend a season talking about Marriage?
When did the Bryant Family start?
Should couples expect to see things differently?
How does this play out in your marriage?
Why do you think the desire to have our way is such a common struggle in marriage?
How does pride play a role in the conflicts that arise from differing viewpoints?
How can couples create a safe space for both partners to express their perspectives?
How can prayers for empathy transform the way we approach disagreements in marriage?
What if my spouse’s opinions are truly ungodly?
What would it look like if a spouse owned everything they could when it came to seeing things differently?
What would it look like if we held nothing against our spouse when it came to having a different viewpoint?
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
“A Severe Mercy”
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