Marriage: Supporting A Spouse Through Struggles
Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant have a conversation about what it looks like to be a supportive spouse.
Marriage: Contempt and Compassion
Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant discuss what contemptuousness looks like in a marriage vs. what compassion looks like.
Marriage: My Spouse's Friendships
Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant have a conversation about how Godly friendships can bless a marriage.
Marriage: Listening Like Jesus
Chelsea Griffin and Cassie Bryant discuss what it looks like to be a good listener in marriage.
Marriage: My Best vs. Your Worst
Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant have a conversation about how strengths and weaknesses can effect a marriage.
Marriage: Seeing Things My Way
Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant discuss how seeing things differently from your spouse can actually be a gift in marriage.
Marriage: Essential Ground Rules
Adam Griffin and Chelsea Griffin discuss some of the ground rules they have for their own marriage and how it helps their marriage flourish.
Season 8 — Marriage
Season 8 of the Family Discipleship podcast begins on January 27th! In this episode, Adam Griffin previews what is to come in Season 8.
How Does My Marriage Affect My Parenting? with Ryan Frederick
Adam Griffin is joined by Ryan Frederick to have a conversation about how your marriage affects your parenting and how to cultivate a healthy marriage and a safe home.