After The Fact: Is God Sending Israel Into Canaan With an Evangelism Strategy? with Jared Bumpers
Kyle Worley is joined by Jared Bumpers to answer the question, is God sending Israel into Canaan with an evangelism strategy?
After The Fact: Was Moses a Friend of God? with Jared Wilson
Kyle Worley is joined by Jared Wilson to answer the questions, would you describe Moses as being friends with God?
After The Fact: Ancient Catholic Theologians with Dr. Matthew Barrett
Kyle Worley discuss is joined by Matthew Barrett to answer the question, what is the value for non-catholics in learning and reading from ancient catholic theologians?
After The Fact: Spurgeon's View on Soteriology with Geoff Chang
Kyle Worley is joined by Jared Bumpers to answer the question; how can a listener help their local church grow in theological discipleship?
After The Fact: How to Help Your Church Grow in Theological Discipleship with Jared Bumpers
Kyle Worley is joined by Jared Bumpers to answer the question; how can a listener help their local church grow in theological discipleship?
After The Fact: If God Calls, Why Evangelize? with Joe Allen
Kyle Worley is joined by Mattew Barrett to answer the question, why was the doctrine of justification such a big deal during the reformation?
After The Fact: Why Union with Christ is the Best News Ever with Jared Wilson
Kyle Worley is joined by Mattew Barrett to answer the question, why was the doctrine of justification such a big deal during the reformation?
After the Fact: The Crux of The Reformation (Justification) with Matthew Barrett
Kyle Worley is joined by Mattew Barrett to answer the question, why was the doctrine of justification such a big deal during the reformation?
After the Fact: Jesus' Final Week with Dr. Bill Cook
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Bill Cook to answer the question, why is it crucial to understand the events of Jesus’ final week?
After The Fact: The Loveliest Place with Dr. Dustin Benge
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Dustin Benge to answer the question, in a time when people are giving up on the church, where do you see the splendor of God in the life of His people?
After The Fact: 40 Questions About Roman Catholicism with Dr. Gregg Allison
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Gregg Allison to answer the question, how do Roman Catholics respond to Romans 5:1?
After The Fact: Interpretive Icebergs with Dr. Rob Plummer
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Robert Plummer to answer the question, what are the top 2-3 interpretive icebergs when reading scripture?
After The Fact: American Exceptionalism and Civil Religion with Dr. John Wilsey
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. John Wilsey to answer the question what is Civil Religion?
After The Fact: Why Study 1 Corinthians with Dr. Hershael York
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Hershael York to answer the question why study 1 Corinthians?
After The Fact: What is Typology and Why Does it Matter with Dr. Jim Hamilton
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Jim Hamilton, to answer the question, what is typology and why does it matter?
After The Fact: Why Southern Seminary with Dr. JT English
Kyle Worley is joined by JT English to answer the question they get asked all the time: Why did you choose Southern Seminary?
After The Fact: Is Seminary Right For Me with Dr. JT English
Kyle Worley is joined by JT English to answer the question they get asked all the time: Is seminary right for me?
After The Fact: How does Paul use the Psalms in Romans 15? with Dr. Jim Hamilton
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Jim Hamilton to discuss Romans 15:3, where we hear Paul make mention of Christ in a way that calls our attention back to Psalm 69.
After The Fact: Why The Blood with Dr. Brian Vickers
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Brian Vickers to discuss Romans 5:9 and answer the question: Why the blood?
After The Fact: Mystical Union and Romans 6 with Dr. Stephen Yuille
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Stephen Yuille to answer the question: What is mystical union and how is it at play in Romans 6:1-11?