After the Fact: Lest We Drift - Two Departure Dangers From The True Gospel With Jared Wilson
Kyle Worley is joined by Jared Wilson to discuss his new book “Lest We Drift” and answer the question, what happens if we depart from the one true gospel?
After the Fact: Do Seminaries Actually Help The Local Church? With Dean Inserra
Kyle Worley is joined by Dean Inserra to answer the question, how have you seen seminary education benefit your local church?
After the Fact: Why Have a Confession of Faith if We Have the Bible? with Jason Duesing
Kyle Worley is joined by Jason Duesing to answer the question, “What is the purpose of a confession of faith if we already have the Bible?
After the Fact: The Beatific Vision with Samuel Parkison
Kyle Worley is joined by Samuel Parkison to answer the questions, what is the beatific vision and why does it matter?
After the Fact: What Was The Great Awakening? with Thomas Kidd
Kyle Worley is joined by Thomas Kidd to answer the question, what was the great awakening and what impact did it have on theological education?
After the Fact: Surprised By The Bible with Samuel Bierig
Kyle Worley is joined by Samuel Bierig to answer the question, what is something most people take for granted about the Bible that they would be surprised by?
After the Fact: Is The Gospel Political? with Patrick Schreiner
Kyle Worley is joined by Patrick Schreiner to answer the question, is the gospel political?
After the Fact: Is God Incomprehensible? with Ronnie Kurtz
Kyle Worley is joined by Ronni Kurtz to answer the question; what does incomprehensibility mean and is God incomprehensible?
After the Fact: What is Charles Spurgeon's Vision for a Faithful Church? with Geoff Chang
Kyle Worley is joined by Geoff Chang to answer the question what is Charles Spurgeon's vision for a faithful church?
After the Fact: How Does a Church Engage in Spiritual Discipline Together? with Don Whitney
Kyle Worley is joined by Don Whitney to answer the question; How does a church engage in the spiritual discipline together?
After The Fact: How Do We Pray the Bible? with Don Whitney
Kyle Worley is joined by Don Whitney to answer the question, how do we pray the Bible?
After The Fact: Why For the Church? with Jason Allen
Kyle Worley is joined by Jason Allen to answer the question; “why for the church”?
After The Fact: Why Read Anything Other Than The Bible? with Jared Wilson
Kyle Worley is joined by Jared Wilson to answer the question, “Why read anything other than the Bible?”
After The Fact: What is Religious Liberty? With Jason Duesing
Kyle Worley is joined by Kody Gibson to answer the question, “What is religious liberty?”
After The Fact: The 3 Biggest Myths About Seminary w/Kody Gibson
Kyle Worley is joined by Kody Gibson to answer the question, “What are the three biggest myths about seminary?”
After The Fact: Why is Moses at the Transfiguration? with Patrick Schreiner
Kyle Worley is joined by Patrick Schreiner to answer the question; why is Moses at the transfiguration?
After The Fact: What Does The Law of Moses Have To Do With a Christian? with Jason DeRouchie
Kyle Worley is joined by Jason D. to answer the question, what does the law of Moses have to do with the Christian?
After The Fact: Do I Really Need Systematic Theology To Be A Disciple Of Jesus? with Matthew Barrett
Kyle Worley is joined by Matthew Barrett to answer the question, do I really need systematic theology to be a disciple of Jesus?
After The Fact: What Does It Mean to Read The Bible Theologically? with Sam Bierig
Kyle Worley is joined by Sam Bierig to answer the question, what Does It Mean to Read The Bible Theologically?
After The Fact: Are We Wrong to Learn Leadership Lessons From Old Testament Stories? with Charles Smith
Kyle Worley is joined by Charles Smith to answer the question, are We Wrong to Learn Leadership Lessons From Old Testament Stories?