What About Other People's Kids?

Adam Griffin, Cassie Bryant, and Chelsea Griffin have a discussion about how to interact with other people's kids and what kind of influence other adults can have on our kids.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • Have you ever regretted either parenting someone else’s kids or not doing something when you could have?

  • Where do we need to be sensitive about trying to disciple other people’s kids?

  • What’s the difference between discipleship and discipline when you are around other people’s kids?

  • What’s the advantage of having other adults disciple your kids?

  • How do can we or should we invite other adults into our kids lives?

  • How do we prepare our kids to interact with kids from families that parent very differently?

  • Anything you think your family does that makes it harder for other parents to work with your kid?

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

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