Inside the RV with the Jones Family

Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant are joined by Landon and Kami Jones to talk about how they disciple their family while living on the road.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • Could you tell us a little about your family and the adventure you are on?

  • How did all of this adventure get started? What made you want to take your family on the road?

  • Do you have any regrets about this decision? What do you miss about your old life?

  • How are you using this adventure to develop and disciple your boys?

  • Did anything change for your family discipleship once you moved into the RV full time?

  • What does education look like for you out on the road?

  • What has been a highlight spot for you?

  • What about in regards to discipling your boys? Any highlights in their spiritual growth while you’ve been out?

  • What has been hard and how have you seen the Lord work in those moments?

  • What does church look like for you?

  • What are practical next steps you can give a family who is listening to this who is feeling the business of their calendar?

  • How long do you think you’ll keep doing this?

  • What are some ways that we can pray for you?

Guest Bio:

Landon and Kami Jones have been married for nine years and are the parents of 4 boys; Julius, Winston, Otis, Arlo. They are Colorado natives and have been on the road for seven months.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

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