Freedom and Rest in Parenthood with Caroline Cobb

Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant are joined by Caroline Cobb to discuss where parents can find true rest and how music can minister to our souls.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • Could you tell us a little about your family and your ministry?

  • When did you start making music? What was the inspiration?

  • How has motherhood affected the way you see God?

  • Does music help you find rest in God when life gets hard?

  • Why do you think parenting brings so much anxiety to adults?

  • How does a parent find rest?

  • What encouragement do you have for parents who are feeling overwhelmed?

  • Do you ever write music that is for yourself or your family?

  • Is music a part of how you lead your home spiritually?

  • Can you tell us about the song “There is a Mountain”?

  • What are some ways that we can pray for you?

Guest Bio:

Caroline Cobb is married to Nick and they have 3 kids and live in Dallas, TX. Caroline is a singer-songwriter who has a passion to tell God’s Story through song. You can find out more about her story, albums, shows, and resources on her website.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

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