Otherness with Jen Wilkin
Adam Griffin, Cassie Bryant, and Chelsea Griffin are joined by Jen Wilkin to discuss the “otherness” we will experience in all seasons of life as we follow Jesus.
Questions Covered in This Episode:
For those who don’t know you Jen, would you introduce yourself and tell us about you, your family, and your ministry?
10 years ago you wrote a blog post called “Otherness.” It’s written like a letter to one of your children about feeling different because of some of the choices your family was making. Would you be willing to read it for us?
What do those words make you feel today?
What kind of “otherness” do you think was hardest for you? Anything specific that comes to mind?
Why is conformity so tempting, not just for kids, but for parents?
Did you have other families that made your kids feel less of the “otherness” you describe? Anybody that you partnered with in non-conformity?
What can you say today that would encourage or embolden the family who is struggling to make decisions that they know are going to potentially make their child’s life harder socially?
What is God communicating in Psalm 16:5-6 that you are tapping into?
When we see the life of Christ, we see Jesus boldly standing out from the crowd, forsaking conformity, and we see him often rejected for his “otherness.” How should churches be teaching families to “follow Christ” when it comes to those aspects of his life?
Jen, when you were growing up, did you ever feel like you experienced “otherness” for following Jesus? How do you remember navigating that?
How does your letter apply to the parent?
If our listeners want to pray for you and your family, what can they ask God for on your behalf?
Guest Bio:
Jen Wilkin is an author and Bible teacher from Dallas, Texas. She has organized and led studies for women in home, church, and parachurch contexts. An advocate for Bible literacy, her passion is to see others become articulate and committed followers of Christ, with a clear understanding of why they believe what they believe, grounded in the Word of God.
Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
Psalm 16:5-6
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