Too Many Trumpets? (Revelation 8-9)

Episode Summary:

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what the imagery, symbols, and numbers found in Revelation 8-9 mean and how this passage can encourage us.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • Where are we in the book of Revelation when we come into the seven trumpets?

  • How are numbers being used?

  • What do we see and hear in this passage?

  • Is there symmetry between the Fourth Trumpet and Fourth Seal?

  • What should we not miss before we get to the fifth angel?

  • What is significant about the eagle?

  • Who is the “star that had fallen from heaven? (9:1)

  • What is this judgment?

  • How does this echo the story of Exodus?

  • How does this passage encourage us?

  • How am I supposed to interpret cataclysmic events in the world as it relates to these judgments?

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:


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