After the Fact: How Would Augustine Read Genesis? with Dr. Benjamin Quinn

Episode Summary:

Kyle is joined by Dr. Benjamin Quinn to discuss how Augustine might've read the first chapters of Genesis.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • If Augustine was to read the first 11 chapters of Genesis what might be some of the distinctives of the hermeneutics of his approach?

  • If Augustine is arguing against Manichaeism, what was the main thing that he was trying to course-correct?

Helpful Definitions:

  • The Double Love: Love for God and love for neighbor.

Guest Bio:

Dr. Benjamin Quinn serves as Senior Pastor at Holly Grove and as the Assistant Professor of Theology and History of Ideas and Associate Dean for Institutional Effectiveness at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary / College at Southeastern. Benjamin received a BA from Union University, MDiv and ThM from Southeastern, and PhD in Theology from the University of Bristol. He and his wife, Ashley have four children and live in Youngsville, NC.

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Episode #89 – The Fall Part 1


Episode #88 – Men and Women in Genesis 2 with Hannah Anderson