Episode #115 – I've Got A Question for You

Episode Summary:

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer listener questions and continue their debate on Christophanies.


Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • Lots of questions on Instagram about the Enneagram: How should we approach the Enneagram? Some suggest it’s not a biblical tool.

  • Is it wrong to present Bible stories to Kids in ways that leave open room for misinterpretation solely to make it more palatable? For example, not mentioning the massive loss of life during the flood...

  • What’s happening when Jesus breathes on the disciples in John 20?

  • Should worship leaders include spontaneous worship into a Sunday service? Or is that reserved for personal worship only?

  • Why, in Ps 51:4 does David say "against you only have I sinned," when he clearly has sinned against both Bathsheba and Uriah? How can I make sense of this?

  • What are common decisions and ways churches unknowingly undermine a healthy ecclesiology?

  • Thanks for the show notes! What are some good resources for connecting the family lines, relationships, & blessings/curses from the OT through to the NT? What can help me not miss the references original readers would have understood?

  • Can we get a last exchange on Christophanies and Theophanies?

  • In light of Genesis, take your pick. Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo? On a more serious note. If you were to teach a Bible study through Mark’s Gospel, what are some overarching themes and ideas you would want to emphasize?

  • Best/most accessible books on church history for the lay Christian?

  • One is the #1 book or resource you wish you would have had/used/read early in your ministry (1st year) rather than later?

  • What are helpful responses when participants in church discipleship programs and bible studies consistently don’t do the homework?

  • Can young children of believers partake in the Lord’s Supper along with their parents?

  • What is the difference between God’s presence in Eden/Tabernacle/Temple and his omnipresence?

  • What’s a novel or story outside of scripture that has had an impact on your life or worldview?

  • What is the discipline of God? Is it us living with the consequences of sin or something more?

  • What is the most frequent question each of you receive?

  • Favorite chips and dip?

  • If you could only eat one dessert for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  • What are we studying next year?

Helpful Definitions:

  • Ecclesiology: Doctrine of the church.

  • Christophany: An appearance of the Son of God before the incarnation.

  • Special (Redemptive or Blessed) Presence: God directs his blessed presence to particular places at particular times throughout the Old Testament and in the New Testament is demonstrated through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Manifested for the good of his people in unique times, places, and ways.

  • General Presence (Omnipresence): God rules and reigns over all things, everywhere fully present. Includes but is not limited to his blessed presence.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

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