Episode #43 – And Don’t You Forget It: The Ascension of Jesus with Mason King

Episode Summary:

Mason King joins Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley to discuss Christ’s ascension and its significance.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • Why is the ascension the forgotten act of Christ?

  • What is the ascension? Where is it in scripture?

  • Is this his Coronation ceremony? Kingship

  • Does the ascension connect with any larger biblical themes or motifs?’

  • Could we be saved apart from the ascension?

  • Why is Jesus seated?

Helpful Definitions:

  • Ordinances: Baptism & the Lord’s Supper are the means by which the people of God rehearse the story of God communally.

  • Transubstantiation: The bread and the cup are literally transformed into the body and blood of Jesus. Jesus Christ’s presence is in the elements in a physical way.

  • Consubstantiation: Christ's presence is physically there but not that the elements are actually the body and blood of Jesus. His presence is in and around.

  • Spiritual Presence: In the elements and in the proceedings of communion Christ is spiritually present with his people.

  • Momoralism: Christ is not uniquely present physically or spiritually in the Lord’s supper. It is simply a sign of remembrance.

  • Eutychian: Confusing the divine and human properties of Jesus.

  • Nestorian: Separating the two natures of Jesus so that they are no longer the same person.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

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