Episode #28 – Lightning Round: Q&A with Mason King

Episode Summary:

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley hit on several topics, like the Trinity, gluttony, the age of accountability and more.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • RE: Matt. 24:32-36...if the Father and Son are one, how does only the Father know the hour “these things shall come to pass?”

  • How should we as Christians approach the topic of gluttony and personal health? How should we prioritize exercise and healthy food choices?

  • As Christians, are we able to live without sinning?

  • Does God speak to us through thoughts in our mind? For example, we ask God something, and the first thought that pops in our head is from Him?

  • Is there an age of accountability?

  • Lord’s Supper: Who takes it, how often, and why?

Helpful Definitions:

  • Communication of Attributes: The relationship between the two natures and the one person of Jesus Christ. Jesus has all of the attributes of his divine nature and all of the attributes of his human nature. 

  • Nestorianism: A Nestorian would admit the full deity of Christ. They would also affirm the full humanity of the person of Christ. It looks as if this is orthodox because they admit to both the full deity and full humanity but unfortunately they would not proclaim the unity of the person.They segregated the humanity from the deity. The belief that there was never a Christ who was fully divine and fully human at the same time.

  • Age of Accountability: The idea that there is a time in which a person becomes accountable to being able to confess that Christ is Lord.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

  • Matthew 24:32-36, Titus 2:11-13, Matthew 5-7, James


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