Episode #6 – In the Beginning

Episode Summary:

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Genesis 1-2 and how it shapes a Christian doctrine of creation by its original context and distinctives from other ancient origin creation narratives.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • Where was God before the beginning? When was He?

  • Who was the original audience of the creation account? How does that shape the way we read Genesis 1-11?

  • What do you believe is often neglected in the Christian doctrine of creation?

  • What does it mean that humanity was created in the image of God? That we look, physically, like God?

  • So, many of us will be familiar with the creation account in Genesis 1-2, but how does our doctrine of creation grow as we follow the thread throughout scripture?

  • How old is the earth? Why?

  • Is Genesis 1-11 literal and historical?

Helpful Definitions:

  • Creation Ex Nihilo: Creation out of nothing.

  • Aseity: God is a se, or has aseity: He is self-existent and self-sufficient.

  • Transcendent: He is other (by an infinite extent).

  • Imminent: God is near to his creation. 

  • Imago Dei: The image of God.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:


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