Countercultural Parenting

Adam Griffin, Cassie Bryant, and Chelsea Griffin kick off Season 3 talking about how we are called to countercultural parenting and what that looks like.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • What did you do with your summer?

  • What is our theme this season?

  • Are you seeing families struggling with being different from the culture in your church? 

  • Is being countercultural different now than it used to be?

  • What are the topics and subjects that come to mind when you think about being different from the culture?

  • Are you seeing anything in youth culture that is concerning?

  • There are a lot of aspects of Christianity that are not culturally normal. How do those things affect our parenting?

  • One of the verses that come to mind for me on this is Romans 12:2. How does that apply to us as parents? 

  • Why do you think people are so tempted to be ashamed of the gospel we believe in?

  • Who comes to mind for y’all when you think about someone who showed you how to be countercultural well?

  • How can parents know when and how to say “no”?

  • How do we parent counterculturally without kids or parents villainizing people that believe differently than us? How do we keep our commitment to loving?

  • How is the sifting of the church good for the church?

Helpful Definitions:

  • Countercultural: There is a course to this world, a wide path to destruction; that we are called to walk differently than. The scriptures would call us to walk a narrow path that leads to life. A path that follows Christ as the way, truth, and the life; and that will make us different.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

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Raising Emotionally Strong Children with David Thomas


Season 3 Trailer