What Is This A Scroll for Ants? (Revelation 10-11)

Episode Summary:

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the themes, imagery, and encouragement found in Revelation 10-11.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • What is the Old Testament imagery found in 10:1?

  • Why is the scroll sweet to the taste, but bitter to the tummy?

  • What are the themes we have seen so far?

  • What is going on with the measuring of the temple? What does it signify?

  • How does a reader understand what is going on in Revelation 11:1-3?

  • What is going on with the “two witnesses”?

  • What happens to these witnesses, and why is it significant?

  • In verse 11, why is it 3 and a half days?

  • What is the seventh trumpet?

  • How does Revelation 10-11 encourage us as Christ’s people?

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:


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