Episode #98 – The Mega Q&A Episode

Episode Summary:

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer listener questions.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • When you say that we’re asking Genesis questions that it’s not asking itself...is that literal? How would I apply that to other books of the Bible? For example, what question is Judges asking? And how would I discern that?

  • How would you describe/define the imago dei in light of disability?

  • Who’s your favorite person to talk theology with other than each other? 

  • New ESV translation of Genesis 3:16?

  • When was the promise of the land fulfilled in the Abrahamic Covenant? Was it fulfilled during David or Solomon’s reign?

  • If God is the one who gives faith, and He wishes that none should perish-why doesn’t He give the gift of faith to everyone?

  • When is it ok to leave a church?

  • What are some practical tips for starting a theological program for women at your church?

  • What did you think about the West Wing reunion?

  • Could you explain the doctrine of the sufficiency of scripture?

  • What are your favorite hymns?

  • Do you think God made another world before this one?

  • What is discipleship and how/where does discipleship happen? What does it mean to make disciples?

  • Is doubt a sin?

  • What advice do you give to someone just starting out as pastor?

  • If you could have a table discussion with any 3 theologians, past or present, who would be at your table?

Helpful Definitions:

  • Middle Knowledge: God possesses knowledge of not just everything that is and everything that isn’t but everything that could be.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

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Episode #97 – Wrapping up Genesis 1-11