Episode #98 – The Mega Q&A Episode
Episode Summary:
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer listener questions.
Questions Covered in This Episode:
When you say that we’re asking Genesis questions that it’s not asking itself...is that literal? How would I apply that to other books of the Bible? For example, what question is Judges asking? And how would I discern that?
How would you describe/define the imago dei in light of disability?
Who’s your favorite person to talk theology with other than each other?
New ESV translation of Genesis 3:16?
When was the promise of the land fulfilled in the Abrahamic Covenant? Was it fulfilled during David or Solomon’s reign?
If God is the one who gives faith, and He wishes that none should perish-why doesn’t He give the gift of faith to everyone?
When is it ok to leave a church?
What are some practical tips for starting a theological program for women at your church?
What did you think about the West Wing reunion?
Could you explain the doctrine of the sufficiency of scripture?
What are your favorite hymns?
Do you think God made another world before this one?
What is discipleship and how/where does discipleship happen? What does it mean to make disciples?
Is doubt a sin?
What advice do you give to someone just starting out as pastor?
If you could have a table discussion with any 3 theologians, past or present, who would be at your table?
Helpful Definitions:
Middle Knowledge: God possesses knowledge of not just everything that is and everything that isn’t but everything that could be.
Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
Judges 2:17, Genesis 3:16, Genesis 4:8, Song of Songs 7:10, 2 Peter 3:9, Romans 9
“Deep Discipleship” by JT English
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