Episode #136 – Romans and Doctrine of Salvation

Episode Summary:

JT English and Kyle Worley talk through various terms that are commonly used when talking about Romans and the doctrine of Salvation. 

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • Over the last few seasons, we have been using and introducing a ton of terms that could be new for our listeners and I thought: “Mother is the repetition of learning, right?” So let’s do some review and repetition on the terms in Romans that concern the doctrine of salvation.

    • Salvation

    • Sin

    • Righteousness

    • Justification

    • Faith

    • Sanctification

    • In Adam/In Christ

    • Flesh/Spirit

    • Adoption

    • Predestined

    • Called

    • Glorification

Helpful Definitions:

  • Salvation: To be saved from something.

    • Is the good news, at the highest possible level, that God loves His creation and is bent on redeeming us through the person and work of Jesus.

  • Original Sin: We are implicated in Adam’s sin.

  • Total Depravity: Our nature as a result of Adam’s sin.

  • Sin: Identity: We are no longer living in the identity God has given us. Idolatry: We are born into this world not giving our worship, affection, and loyalty to God. Immorality: We don’t behave as we ought. We are unable and unwilling to choose righteousness.

  • Righteousness:

    • From God: Righteous standing that God gives. The source of salvation. What we need to be made in order to be saved.

    • Of God: The perfect character of God that we are to imitate. God’s standard.His expectations of His people.

    • His faithfulness to his covenant promises: The character of God. 

  • Justification: 

    • Is to be declared righteous by the righteous God.

    • Forgiven for good, forever.

    • When we are justified by the blood of Christ, we are saved from sin’s penalty.

  • Faith: 

    • The instrument of our salvation, we draw everything from the work of Christ and contribute nothing to it. 

    • The ascent of our minds to that which God says is true. Adoration, God deserves my worship, love, and affection. Giving my actions over to Him, a life of obedience, allegiance, and loyalty.

  • Sanctification: Freed day by day to look more and more like Jesus.

    • As we are being sanctified, we are being saved from sin’s power. 

  • Grace: You have been given freedom so that you can live in God’s way. 

  • In Adam/In Christ: Federal Headship: You are either being represented by being in Adam or by being in Christ. 

  • Flesh/Spirit: We are born in the flesh (our natural state apart from the intervening work of God in salvation), some are reborn in Christ and because of that are able to set their minds on things of the Spirit. 

  • Adoption: We have been invited to fellowship with God. The beloved Father who welcomes us to His table.

  • Compatibilist: Hold in tension that God is sovereign and providential over everything and yet our wills are compatible and fully free within His sovereignty. 

  • Predestined: God elects a people for himself before the foundations of the world. 

  • Called: 

    • General Call of the Gospel: The gospel proclamation to everyone.

    • Effectual Call: Those whom God predestined he calls through the preaching of the gospel into salvation. The spirit wrought activity of awakening the heart and bringing that person into Christ Jesus.

  • Glorification: 

    • There is a time that is coming in the future where we will be gifted a resurrected body and we will be glorified. Meaning we will be free from even the ability to sin. We will be transformers from one degree of glory to the next. We increasingly become aligned with who Christ is.

    • When we are glorified, we are finally and fully saved from sin's presence.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

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